Is it motivation or action?

When I was completing my quarterly review I looked over all the notes and learns I’d captured from the last 90 days. Below is one of my favourite little wisdom bombs from Darren Hardy that I have filtered through the context of property entrepreneurs.

To get the results you want in property, does it come from being motivated first and then you take action? 

Or is it the other way round?

One might argue that at the very very beginning of the journey, we are inspired by someone or something to get started in property. For me, like many,  that was thanks to the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. 

But what does it really take to get started…what about to keep going? What does it take to get to the bit where you actually experience the results? What are the sequence of events required?

Many people start out thinking, believing even that the sequence of steps looks like this:


Counter to what we might believe, the journey to results in property doesn’t come from motivation. Motivation, or the dream of what might be can feel good, but motivation is a feeling that comes and goes. It’s not what’s going to get the income, the equity, the freedom we want. 

Instead the sequence of events looks like this:


We have to break inertia – we have to act, often without motivation to gain motivation. Here’s the key-  we are motivated when we see evidence of progress.

We know you want the results. If you want to get that sense of motivation, go out and take some meaningful action in the direction of your property goals. When you see the small but visual evidence of your progress (the mini result)  it will provide the dopamine hit you need to feed the virtuous cycle you need to get up and take more action, again and again. And when you do keep working this simple little cycle, those bigger results will be yours. 

What mini results are you measuring this week?