When you see a headline like this, ‘HOW TO GET GUARANTEED RESULTS IN ANYTHING’  it catches your attention, doesn’t it? This is the title of a Peter Voogd (a very successful young entrepreneur, in the photo) podcast I’ve listened to in the past – it was like a mini workshop talking through a a great exercise you can complete to help stay consistent and to maximise the results in your life and business. 

These are seven simple questions that you really want to have clear answers to and have those answers at the forefront of your mind. 

Anytime you’re feeling stressed or not getting the results you want, you can take time to go back through this workshop and get you back on track.

This is a bit of longer post but well worth working through the 7 questions in the exercise I’m sharing from Peter V below. 

I first shared this mini workshop last year and revisited it this week to complete the exercise again. I encourage you to complete the exercise too, if you’re interested in really achieving the results you want. 

Here are the 7 essential questions to ask yourself:

#1 WHAT’S YOUR BIG FIVE? – ie what are the five things you want to accomplish in the next 30-60 days (the things that if you accomplished these you’d be excited, fulfilled, proud, confident, happy…)

Maybe it’s systemising a part of your SA business, or hiring an assistant, or sourcing a new property deal…

A great quote I noted down from Peter is this, “Remember, nothing works unless you do. And if you don’t work, work through your team. The people who really do the work and move with clarity are the ones that get the results and build the businesses.”

So what are the your top five things you want to accomplish in the next 30-60 days?

Here are some of mine:

-complete the refurbishment of our commercial unit

-secure a property for our tenant buyer client

-secure a large contractor booking for a new construction site


In other words what are the things you value the most and are you in alignment with those? Are you working with intention, purpose and clarity?

Everyone will have their own unique combination, it may be freedom and flexibility, or money, or family, or….(you fill in the blanks).  If you’re not entirely sure there’s a simple questionnaire you can use on Dr John Demartini’s website to help you determine your values.

My top 3 are becoming the best version of me in each area of life, wealth creation, and creating memorable experiences with my family. 

Once you are aware of your highest values you need to make sure everything you are doing is connected to what’s most important to you. 

Being clear on your values gives you a very powerful filter to assess all the requests and opportunities that come your way, and decide what’s for you or not for you. So when a request pops into your inbox you can be asking yourself – ‘is this going to contribute to my values or contaminate?’

By using your own personal filter like this you’ll feel more empowered to say no to certain things that aren’t connected to your values and therefore live more on purpose. 

#3 WHAT ARE YOUR TOP FIVE PRODUCTIVITY PRACTICES – that you know when you are executing these you’re at the peak of your productivity.

Here are my top 5, in no particular order

-review the week that was and plan the following week on a Sunday by identifying my top 3 proactive actions for the week.

-start my day with my morning routine (which includes exercise, healthy breakfast, a short meditation and reading to learn/develop).

-complete a 90 minute focused morning session progressing one of my top 3 projects with no distractions (ie no email, phones or any notifications).

-practice effective transition between each task (I use a simple little technique I learned from Brendon Burchard).

-set an intention and visualise the completion point of a task before I start working on it.

When you’re at your best what are you thinking? What are you doing? How are you starting your day?


Your behaviours are a reflection of your beliefs, so if you’re not where you want to be, what do you need to believe in order to become the next version of you? For example, if you are thinking about venturing out to secure your first R2R property but your beliefs are that getting a R2R is hard and no one will want to do a deal like that with me, then that needs to be replaced with an empowering belief. For example, getting a R2R is easy and there are lots of people who want to do a deal like that with me. 

Maybe it’s about finding great people for your power team or JV partners – so you’d be installing something like ‘I attract great people to my team”.

Think about your limitations, where they may have stemmed from and what new beliefs need to be installed to replace the limiting ones. Whatever we play over and over in our heads becomes a reality so be very conscious about what you’re telling yourself. 


What’s one big thing that will help you accomplish your other goals?

Is it reaching out to someone you can partner with? Is it working with a mentor? Is it creating a keystone habit that will have a positive ripple effect into other areas of your life?


What this is referring to are the perspective shifts, breakthroughs and lessons that life has taught you over the last 12 months?

A stand out one for me which might resonate with some of you is to focus more on how we show up than on how fast we are advancing.


What are you going to do every week that will be non-negotiable, things you have done before that have proven to give you results?

It could be daily exercise, committing to x amount of business development calls, or connecting with a certain amount and type of person. For me these include the things I mentioned above like the morning routine, the productivity practices, I also block out every Wednesday night for a date night with my wife.

What will your non negotiables be?

Once you have answers to all these questions then wrap the exercise up by completing this sentence, “I know I’m successful when….”

…ie when I’m living life on my terms

…when I’m positively impacting others

…when I’m staying true to my values

…when I bring joy to my family

This mini workshop will only take about 15 minutes to complete but will deliver massive RoT (return on time) in terms of your clarity and action taking towards the right things for you. If you do work through this I’d love to hear just one of your answers to the questions.

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