It would be a fair assumption to make that the vast majority of people in these property communities want to use property to live life on their terms- to create additional income, maybe be location independent, and most important of all…to create time freedom to engage in the things most important to them. 

The wonderful thing is that all of this is completely possible thanks to the technology we have access to and the specialised property education we can invest in. It’s possible for property entrepreneurs to create and control multiple property income streams either alongside a day job, as their full time business, or from sunny holiday locations of their choosing (when we can travel that is). Property education combined with internet tools, clever apps and virtual assistants have created this phenomenal opportunity and there’s never been a time like it in history. 

However, the same exciting opportunity that is empowering us to live life on our terms, comes with a massive, often overlooked challenge. Property educated and technology empowered people are facing an accountability crisis. People working towards their personal property goals, and typically doing so on their own, are inadvertently placing themselves in a state of limited accountability. And for those who thrive on in person meet ups, this crisis is sadly being exacerbated by the covid related restrictions.

Whilst property income streams present one of the best opportunities to create freedom from conventional nine-to-five work life, the ironic thing is that the solo pursuit to create that property income lacks the accountability layers you typically get working in the employed world. If you are working for yourself, you only have to be accountable to yourself, and we all know who the easiest person to let down is, don’t we? Ourselves.

I can well remember my early years of property investing- getting started and trying to grow a portfolio with no property network, business partner or mentor, those were lonely years of slow progress. But it just doesn’t have to be that way. 

Those of us choosing the entrepreneurial path to create an income stream from property (or any self endeavour for that matter) are the most vulnerable to feeling ineffective, unfocused and unmotivated. And here’s the big reason why – we often lack the ACCOUNTABILITY that focuses our execution powers on the biggest needle moving activity. 

So how do we combat this human weakness and get the best out of ourselves?

Here’s the key thing you need to know – getting things done and being productive is a social phenomenon. Human beings are social primates and the way we have evolved proves that we work better when accountable to another human. 

That’s why when you ‘lift the lid’ on ultra-successful people you find they have surrounded themselves with empowering webs of supporting advisors, investors, staff and accountability coaches. Doing this helps protect them from experiencing overwhelm, procrastination and self sabotage that creeps in when pursuing what might be quite a lonely and isolated business goal.

With true accountability in place, these successful people don’t have to fight so hard to push themselves to execute, instead they more easily show up as the best version of themselves week after week. 

Scientific research and studies by psychologists have proven that accountability is one of the most powerful tools for improving human behaviour and performance. 

This week, myself and an awesome team of mentors will be delivering 4 days of property masterminding. The brilliant delegates we work with experience the power of accountability month after month by pledging committed actions to their mentors and peers. The results and fulfillment that brings to the individuals executing on their specific actions are awesome to see. 

Leveraging accountability effectively will be your competitive advantage and your psychological advantage. And it’s more important now than ever. In a world of chaos, challenge and uncertainty, we all want more certainty, and the place to start is the certainty in ourselves to show up and work on the right things when we say we will. 

Whether it’s with a business partner, a property peer, a mentor or a spouse, be sure to harness this powerful advantage to massively accelerate your productivity in property. 

What can you be doing to stack multiple layers of accountability on your property goals this month?

P.S. if you’re interested to read further about accountability, here are a couple of other posts I’ve written on the subject

Accountability In Property Is All Or Nothing

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