I’ve been asked this question on several occasions, and in several slightly different ways – the question essentially being this, ‘how does someone starting out in property become good at it?’

My answer is always the same- it’s committing yourself to a degree of immersion and taking regular action to ‘practice’ your chosen property strategy. 

The follow up question is often then, ‘well how do I get really good?’ I am a firm believer that to accelerate your speed of learning and skill development, you need to get around others who are practising too, people who are both at the similar level and several steps in front. 

To the point of this post – how do you become unstoppable with your momentum in property? IMHO, that answer is COMMUNITY, COMMUNITY, COMMUNITY. 

And not just any community, but a community of people with shared values, ambition, drive and direction all learning, taking action, holding each other accountable and growing together. 

This last week was Mastermind week – 2 days in person (for the first time in over 15 months), and 2 days online. 

On each of these days I had the privilege and joy of facilitating group discussions that covered everyone’s key property objectives for the month. 

With each of these days, people from all over the UK (and some from overseas) worked together, supporting and challenging each other’s thinking and drawing on the collective intelligence that comes from good mastermind tables. I absolutely love these small group working sessions. From having not met each other prior to the day, delegates finished each day on a high with not only a clear action plan for the coming month but also new property friends and contact details for follow up exchanged. 

When you’re first stepping out into property investing, it can be a very lonely and uncertain time journey. I know from personal experience that the first 9-10 years of my property journey were incredibly isolated and lonely. Pushing through with grit to figure things out on my own, and not really having anyone to talk to about the rollercoaster that is property investing. 

Now having been part of a community of property investors and mentors for the last 5 years I only wish I could have been part of it from the beginning. 

I have heard a great analogy about being around the right network and community – I may butcher it a little but it was along the following lines. If we imagine that we have an inner thermostat that represents our current level in terms of how we show up, our results, our performance, our confidence etc. Well, if we want to raise that internal thermostat so that our results are better, the key way to do that is to level up our associations and spend more time with those people who’s thermostat is set higher than yours.

What are you doing to raise your internal thermostat this week?

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