I’ve recently learned a new definition of ‘productive’ and I’d like to challenge your existing perspective with it.

For decades (and no doubt generations) we humans have scoured productivity books and resources looking in search of the silver silver bullet to magically help us get more of what we want done. I’m not sure how how many books have actually been written on the subject but a quick search for productivity books on amazon brought up over 30,000.

It was brought to my attention recently by one of my mentors in the US that we can typically sort productivity into 3 main categories, as follows:

#1 – Work harder – so in other words increasing the per minute output. For example this might be answering more emails, doing more billable hours, saying yes to more projects etc

#2 – Work smarter -this would include time saving productivity hacks. Think the 4 hour work week, batching tasks, hiring consultants, finding short cuts, implementing systems and best practices.

#3 – Be braver – maybe you are surprised to be reading this 3rd category, but have a think about what kind of action it includes – asking. Pitching. Partnering. Making art and taking risks. Being the first to do something. Making calculated bets.

The definition of productivity should be tilting towards no.3 because as my mentor put it, “Courage is the entrepreneurial force multiplier”. In being more productive we must optimise for courage. In many cases being courageous doesn’t take long.

Ask yourself, what is the most courageous action you can take this week?

For Chris and I it is putting ourselves out there on a webinar this Monday night to share our property strategy with those who are interested to join us. To learn more about our strategy for DE-RISKING PROPERTY DEALS AND BUYING WITH CONFIDENCE – FOR MULTIPLE EXITS,  HIGHEST RETURNS AND PEACE OF MIND, you can register for the webinar here.




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