Welcome to December folks. Two weeks ago I shared a post on finishing the year strong and how you can ‘Fixate on breaking the tape’. If you missed it you can find that post here

A few things Chris and I are pushing on to finish the year strong include:

-onboarding 3 new SA units in the week ahead

-sourcing and analysing mixed use commercial sites (ie shops and uppers) with a view to securing a deal for early 2019

-direct booking marketing for our SA units ie flyer drops, email and text message campaigns, phone calls and referral requests

-optimising our accounting software and processes for better reporting and analysis

Whilst we still have 3 busy weeks to realistically hit our final 2018 goals, many of us are already thinking about 2019. For the last 3 or 4 years I’ve completed a pretty comprehensive year end review and year ahead planning process (more on that later) and this week I read an article by Tony Robbins about creating an extraordinary year. So. I thought I’d share the topline of that article here for those interested.

Robbins says, “Transforming into the person you want to be in 2019 is not difficult so long as you have the dedication, focus and correct tools at your disposal”.


I’m going to paraphrase Robbins here – ‘feeding your mind is all about perspective, you’ve got to bring something new to it otherwise you’re going to keep feeding off the same old beliefs, same old thoughts, same old emotions that have not gotten you the level you want”.

So don’t just hope things will go your way, we need to learn to condition ourselves to believe they will. In other words, this relates to what we are telling ourselves (our internal dialogue) and that is influenced by what we put in front of our eyes and into our ears. It’s not a coincidence that the leaders in this personal development space say the same thing.

Darren Hardy shared in a post this week that thoughts inform expectations, which drives your creative process, which drives you to produce the results you ultimately realise. What informs your thoughts? What you put in front of your eyes and ears. See, same thing!

So, you’ve got to guard your mind from limiting messages and simultaneously feed it with positive messages by reading empowering material ie autobiographies of role models and selectively choosing what information and news you let in.

Robbins recommends a book that he read as a teenager called The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol. It’s not one I’ve personally heard of but it’s now added to the audible list.


So step 1 is about strengthening the mind, it’s equally crucial to strengthen the body. ‘Priming your physical self can set the stage for the change you want to see mentally and emotionally’ says Robbins. ‘If you go for a really intense run, music blaring and heart pumping, your body and mind will both be energised and clear, and you’ll be able to better focus on what you want”.


Robbins advocates that, “If you want the best year of your life, you need to decide to find a great role model who is already getting the results you want.” In other words, to accelerate your journey, rather than just try to do it yourself you want to model someone who’s already getting results.


To simply summarise this step (and Robbins reminds us it’s simple) – Make a huge step forwards. So what is that for you…..? Build out your website. Reach out to a prospective investor. Find a deal and offer on it. Book a big family holiday that will bring everyone together.

In short, get clear on what action to take and take it. Every week.


Instead of focusing 100% on your goals and what you want to achieve in 2019, Robbins reminds us to also find a way to add value to others. “As corny as it sounds, the spirit of living is giving, and it’s what makes us feel alive” he says.

By helping others figure out there problems it has two primary impacts:

  1. Your problems will lessen in intensity
  2. Your life will have more meaning

“Life is not about me; life is about we. So it’s not just growing, it’s growing and contributing beyond yourself that makes your life meaningful.” – Robbins

So, there are 5 high level steps from the big man himself. If you’re looking for something more tactical go ahead and message me and I’d be happy to share the process I run through between Christmas and New Year. The process is simple yet thorough and looks like this:

-Reflect on the last year

-Inventory of the present

-Create a vision for the year ahead

Message me if you want in on this.

And here’s the final Robbins quote to finish on – “If you want the best year ever of your life, you’re going to have to come up with a vision. What do you want? What’s going to be different next year? What do you want to change and what do you want to transform?”

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