Over the past week I’ve had the opportunity to experience the amazing mountains of St Anton and create rich memories with my best and oldest buddies. 


This week long trip has only possible thanks to a handful of key things:

⁃ My loving and supportive wife looking after our 3 wonderful boys

⁃ Our brilliant team in the form of business partner Chris and Ops Manager Louise running the show at home

⁃ The property assets we have and a property trading business (in SA), all of which generates a healthy slice of financial and time freedom.


Week’s like this, out of your business, are not only special, fun and sacred, but subconsciously they are incredibly beneficial to your productivity. If that sounds counterintuitive, please bear with me because it’s an important concept for everyone to take on in their own context. 


I’ve previously written about the 4 pillars of productivity ie the 4 key ingredients behind taking action and completing projects- those 4 keys are:






If you haven’t seen that post and would like to read up on it, here’s a link:




The aptly termed ‘Board’ meeting in the mountains with important people in my life brings with it so many great benefits, even beyond the fun experiences on the snow, laughs and memories made. Here’s what I mean:


* Disconnected time away from the business actually makes you hungry to get back into producing mode and working at being the highest leverage version of yourself in moving your business forward. I can honestly say I’m hungry to get back to business this week, and hopefully progress some exciting opportunities – a) with a commercial property and b) with some prospect contractor SA bookings.


*Having let the proverbial ‘inner child’ out to play I can happily put the head down and focus on the hard work for another period of time without feeling frustrated or exposing myself to higher risk of procrastination had I not taken any time out.


*Changing up my environment and routine for a week has removed me from the day to day blinkers and made way for some creative thinking thanks to inspiring sights,  new conversations, ideas and perspectives- for example it reconnects me to a big goal Chris and I have to build a spectacular ski chalet where we can host mastermind retreats and gift holidays to causes that are close to our hearts – eg a place where families dealing with cancer can come away to create wonderful memories.


*I’ve continued to feed the virtuous cycle – ie when we spend money on experiences with close friends/family it not only creates wonderful memories but it inspires us at a different level to continue to produce results and create a life we are proud of.


*Absence makes the heart grow fonder – with a bit of time away from my beautiful wife and kids I miss them more as each day passes but that only serves to appreciate them even more, and I return home more loving and patient.


So, whilst it’s not a definitive list, there’s 5 major benefits I wanted to share from having ‘board’ meetings in the mountains. 


I know the mountains will not be for everyone, but replace that with whatever lights you up. In striving to start and grow our property businesses we can at times be our own worst enemies, pushing so hard, thinking we have to optimise every waking hour, but over time that’s not actually serving us. 


So, in conclusion, I’d encourage you all to be intentional about scheduling time for PLAY, even better, share here what fun you have planned for the months ahead.

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