And we’re off…1 week into the new year already. Whilst I know there have been many jokes sent around about feeling like we’re in a continuation of 2020, the fact is we are where we are, and we need to take 100% responsibility for things we can control. Meaning, the things we choose to do, choose to not do and how we choose to respond to things. 

So with that that said, where do you stand with your goal planning for 2021? 

If you’re looking for a framework to help with the process then over the last two weeks I’ve shared posts on the annual process that Chris and I do each year to reflect on the past 12 months, and then plan out the 12 months ahead. This isn’t a quick process, but rather it’s an investment in time that pays us back with clarity, focus and saving time further down the line, because we know what we’re working towards and have outline implementation plans to get there. [If you missed those posts I’ll add links at the bottom of this].

So what about setting your own annual goals? I’ll take a safe bet that most people in the property community will punctuate this time of year with making resolutions and/or setting goals. Often, these will be ambitious financial based targets which may include numbers of properties, monthly cash flow increase from their BTL’s/SA’s/HMO’s, number of new developments/conversions and so on. In themselves, nothing wrong with goals like those, so long as planned out in the right context and with the appropriate alignment at a deeper level. However, without the right psychological alignment, goals like these can fall flat and fail to get off the ground year after year. Therein lies the problem that can catch many out in the goal setting process.

Below I am sharing one of the biggest insights I’ve ever learned on goal setting, here it is – 

Don’t chase after goals that your subconscious mind doesn’t really want. 

Now, you may be thinking, What on earth are you on about? But if you’re interested to understand this concept and transform your goal setting and achievement, bear with me and read on as it’s a pretty deep concept. If not, totally fine to jump out now. 

Here’s what I’ve learned over the last few years from a specialist business coach and psychologist for entrepreneurs. Our unconscious mind has one sole job – to push us away from pain and towards pleasure. And because of this primitive fact, the subconscious controls our mental valve for motivation.

In other words, one seriously needs to consider the secondary and tertiary consequences of pursuing a goal because the subconscious will slam on the brakes if it thinks PAIN lies ahead. 

As a simple example, if we start the year saying I want to double my income from property, the numbers sound attractive but we typically don’t take the time to consider the real consequences of pursuing that. In this example what that might look like is this- as time and activity goes by the brain realises that in order to actually double the income it would mean significantly more time sourcing/viewing/travelling…(you fill in the blanks of the secondary consequence) and therefore less sleep/more stress/less time with family (tertiary consequence). In other words those consequences are the potential ‘pains’ that the unconscious mind would see and cause it to procrastinate doing the required work. Does that make sense?

What I’ve just highlighted can’t be underestimated, it is a major cause of feeling ‘stuck’ during the year, chasing after what you THINK are the right goals for you. However, self sabotage can arise from pursuing certain goals when the unconscious mind doesn’t get the same excitement as the conscious mind, because it’s worried about the associated PAIN. But with alignment, motivation happens intrinsically, it isn’t something you need to will into existence.

So what’s the answer?


This is the real gold dust. This is the stuff that’s been taking me a while to embed but I’m really starting to see the power in it year on year. You may wonder what is meant by ‘ecological’ in relation to goal setting.

Meaning of ecology from the online dictionary

‘the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.’

In the context of goal setting, the purpose of ecology is all about alignment between the conscious and unconscious mind. Having also learned about highest values from Dr John Demartini, I liken this alignment concept to his work on values ie we have to balance our financial goals with our other highest values. We will thrive more in business when other parts of our life thrive too.  

So to optimise chances of goal achievement we must run the goal setting through a filter of well formed conditions.

These conditions include the following:

#1) The goal must be stated in positive terms (ie write it out as if already achieved and in present tense as if you are describing who you are, what you have, how you are living a year from now)

#2) The goal must be initiated and maintained by you (this is crucial, no point setting goals that require majority inputs from others as that will be out of your control)

#3) The goal must use sensory based descriptions of outcomes and steps

#4) The goal is ecological in every sense ie think through how it will affect other areas of your life (ie the secondary and tertiary consequences/positive ripple effects)

Some starters to get you thinking for ecology:

-what will you hear/see/feel when you attain the goal?

-What will the outcome get for you/allow you to do? (you want to uncover now if there is a part of you that doesn’t want this outcome as that will undermine your success)

-What will happen if you don’t get it?

#5) There is more than one way to achieve the goal (ie giving yourself flexibility)

You can see this is a completely different process compared to just writing out a list of exciting things you would like to have or happen. Thoroughly thinking through goals like this is designed to set your unconscious mind building a map, a reference place and foundation for what’s involved in achieving these goals.

I appreciate this is a lot to digest so if you got this far, well done. Even better, if you choose to act on this and implement it with your own goal setting you will be doing the work to set yourself up for a great year ahead.

Let me know if this stuff strikes a chord with you. And if you’re genuinely keen to work on more of these questions for alignment and ecology then reply and I can post a few more on this thread. 

To your goal attainment and enjoying the journey this year. 

Link to annual reflection process

Link to goal setting process

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