The last 8 days or so have involved being around several different groups, mentors, entrepreneurs and investors. Brilliant minds and attitudes, action takers and inspirations from around the UK. As such it brings to mind an old quote that we all need reminding of every few months.

More on that quote in just a moment. In amongst this hectic yet wonderfully people focused week, we entered the final stages of our 3 bed property refurb. Attached is a short video showing the hive of activity as our refurb draws near completion. This is a project that pivoted from a light to a full refurb and where the power team has been crucial. In the short clip you can see multiple people/teams contributing to bring the finished article together in time for a first guest booking.

Now back to that quote…

It was Jim Rohn who said,

“You will become the combined average of the five people who you hang around with the most”.

Think about that, the combined attitude, health, wealth and so on. So if we really want to go far it’s key that we re-appraise and re-prioritise the people we hang around with.

So, whilst I know that people reading this will have heard the quote many times, when did you last take inventory of your associations?

Darren Hardy shared a video post a few weeks ago about how to organise and categorise the people we hang around with. Here’s a summary of my notes:


GROUP #1-DISASSOCIATION: we need to recognise that every now and then we need to break away from some people, to ‘protect our house’ from negative influences. Are you aware of which people fall into this group? Some relationships can keep you stuck, instead decide the quality of life you want to have and focus on surrounding yourself with people who represent that vision (note it’s more often not about money and material things, but more about values).

GROUP #2- LIMITED ASSOCIATION: These may be people you can spend 3 hours with but not 3 days. The influence of association is both powerful and subtle, such that you get a deposit of the person’s dominant actions, attitudes and behaviours. Hence why you want to be careful who you spend too much time with.

GROUP #3- EXPANDED ASSOCIATIONS: This is the group you want to focus on identifying and getting yourself around these people. Whatever area of life you want to see improvement in, find someone who represents the success that you want in that area (whether it be physical condition, parenting skills, relationships, lifestyle, property investing etc) and spend more time with them. In other words seek out and join the appropriate business groups, health clubs, mastermind groups etc.

What we are talking about here, to paraphrase Darren Hardy,

‘is creating a circle of excellence by purposefully selecting those whom you want to surround yourself. You want to get a group that will push you further and faster than you would have gone without them.”

What are you doing to create your expanded associations?

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