I thought these two themes summed up the week for us, let me explain briefly.

Tuesday was spent in York with our brilliant development discovery group working on our project to develop a block of luxury apartments. We are exploring options that may ask for a little more patience on our part and add time to our project, but the potential upside could be well worth the wait (by the way, if you’d like to hear further details of this project and how we could help you get involved, just get in touch with a PM).

Meanwhile, back in Scotland, progress for Chris and I on finalising 2 large properties for SA slowed down a little. We are confident things will cross the line in the coming week or two, but again, we must temper ambition with patience.

This kind of pause has allowed time to reflect on something we know about but was reminded of thanks to Darren Hardy’s daily message yesterday, and that something is the magic factor.

So what is “The Magic Factor”?

It boils down to this – “success is a becoming process”. In other words, to have more, we have to become more.

“Before you have you must do, and before you do, you must become”.

In relation to all of our goals, we can ask ourselves this- Who do I need to become in order to….(you fill in the blanks)? In our case it’s Who do I need to become in order secure and let a portfolio of 120 SA bed spaces by the end of this year?

Our answers to this include things such as staying focused on high value, high pay off actions, becoming masters of systemisation and outsourcing…

And a new one to add to this is exercising patience where it’s required, but using that time to reflect, review and improve.

In reflecting a little this week, the exciting thing is that what seemed alien when we got started in SA last July is now becoming our norm as we speak about it, work on real challenges and break through challenges to see the results. The ‘becoming process” for us has been phenomenal and we continue to grow as property entrepreneurs with the help of mentors like Paul, Aniko, Alan and Pauline.

I’ll borrow Darren Hardy’s words to close for the week to serve as a reminder that,

“our background, experiences, and circumstances might have influenced who you are right now, but you are responsible for who you become.”

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