Quick update on the growth goal. We’re still in conversations about the potential to accommodate some contractors and viewed a local farm cottage for potential R2R.

The aim for January was to secure two new R2R for SA units, we have one about to undergo a light refurb so still chasing down the second

Also viewed a small commercial conversion opportunity in Edinburgh city centre and continue to carry out due diligence on a couple of other opportunities.

Overall a productive week had with plenty of new information to contemplate and take action on.

With the end of the month comes our VIP meet and it was a great session. Thanks Aniko for a brilliant 1:1.

This VIP took on a digital marketing theme and we had 2 excellent guest speakers introducing us to some key insights. Daniel from http://www.brandpromise.uk  got us thinking about our brand as it relates to our property business and I look forward to completing his free workbook. If you look at a brand as an asset, a good brand frequently achieves in excess of 400% ROI in terms of investment in and revenue back.

Jack Porter-Smith from http://wsipaidsearch.com walked us through an intro to the four key components of digital marketing:

  1. Strategy
  2. Implementation
  3. Measurement
  4. Optimisation

It’s mind boggling to see how paid search can be used to bring potential guests to your SA units or indeed attract JV’s to work with you.

I also found myself on Paul O’Mahony’s excellent social media webinar this Wednesday where the key take-away was, “Never use social media to sell, use it to build your list”.

Going into a new year we can fall into the trap of consuming so much information designed to help us, that it can actually overwhelm us. I was reminded of this important lesson this week and to be conscious to avoid it – i.e. consuming a lot of good info but never stopping long enough to act on it.

Quite often we don’t need more information, lack of implementation is the problem. So, the key is to be intentional about selecting one or two things at a time that will help, act on them, then review and adjust. Act, review and improve. Then repeat. This is how winning habits are created that compound throughout the year.

What have you learned recently that you will be implementing?

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