What kind of activities and tasks occupied your time in (or on) your property business this week?

For me and a team of mentor friends, 4 out of the 5 days were allocated to masterminding – mentoring small groups of property entrepreneurs to help them work around obstacles and add fuel to the fire of opportunities. 

These were 4 highly productive, enjoyable and rewarding days, and during our various group conversations there were several key themes that emerged everyday, even though working with different groups. One of those key themes was all about teams – and these related both to power teams and the building of one’s own business team. Everyone went away with a goal to add a ‘WHO’ ie to add someone to their team this quarter who will help them get more done and go faster. 

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post all about how ‘every property business needs a ‘WHO’ in Q2’. It’s all about how we can step change the next 90 days and accomplish so much more with the help of others. [If you missed it and want to catch up, here it is]

If this is striking a chord with you, where would you bring someone in to help you accomplish more in your property business?

To help you identify the things that you could outsource first, here are 2 great questions that I’ve recently been intentionally asking myself as I work through the week.


#1: What tasks am I currently doing that don’t need to be me?

#2. Of those tasks, which ones take the most time?

By answering these two questions over the period of a couple of weeks you will start to identify the tasks that could literally make up a job spec for someone. 

When you identify your highest value tasks and the lower value things that still have to get done (but don’t have to be you), then you can start to allocate your time for higher leverage and greater outcomes. And a virtual assistant is likely to be your first team hire. Even if that VA only works for 10-20 hours a month, that’s 10-20 hours you’ve just got back!

[If anyone is a bit stuck on where to start with the whole VA thing, I’ve captured a 7 step manual on the entire end to end process on how to hire and onboard a VA, you can find it at the bottom of the page here:

Here are some of the activities Chris and I have outsourced/delegated to a VA, a permanent staff member or members of our power team:


-Some social media posting

-General admin (ie utilities management etc)

-An element of property sourcing

-Property Management

-Project Management

-Property viewings

What about you, what tasks would you look outsource/delegate first?

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