This week has been mastermind week – four packed days, working with different people each day, different business plans, different geographic locations, different respective goals and challenges, yet one overarching and clearly shared theme – to create more of the life they want through the vehicle of property. 

A couple of weeks ago Darren Hardy shared a post about the 3 things that the top 0.1% successful people have figured out access to, these being:

  1. Counsel – ie the right coaches and advisors
  2. Connections – ie being connected to a reference group that help them reach their goals
  3. Strategies- ie access to the kind of strategies that allow them to execute at a much higher level than competitors

Point no.2 really resonated with me because of the incredible yet almost unnoticeable impact it can have on us over time. You will know this already, but it’s worth reminding that as a social tribe species we raise or lower our performance to match the pace, expectations and performance level of our reference group.

Just let that sink in a moment and think about who is in your reference group?

Property entrepreneurship can often feel like a lonely and isolated journey. For the first 8 years of my own property journey I didn’t even have a property reference group, no property friends, no community and certainly no mastermind. And boy did it feel lonely at times. No one to ask questions to when I was second guessing myself, no one to discuss property ideas with or celebrate little wins with. No one to match my performance level to. If only I’d been part of a property mastermind group back then, progress would have been so much faster and the journey so much more enjoyable.

By way of a little glimpse behind the scenes, here’s just an overview of what was being shared and discussed in our mastermind groups each day:

-ideas to overcome obstacles or capitalise on opportunities

-inspiration and belief

-support and challenge

-power team contacts

-strategies and tactics to level up

-mindset development

-resources and tools

-potential JV opportunities

-laughter and friendship

This is what makes these days so powerful and why I love them so much. And when we underpin it all with the key pillars of productivity, like specific process based goals stacked with accountability amongst your reference group – this is how phenomenal progress and results happen. 

Who you spend your time with influences the person that you will eventually become.Ask yourself – are you raising your performance to match the pace, expectations and performance level of a suitable reference group?

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