This week I wanted to take a moment to highlight something incredibly important and powerful for property entrepreneurs as we journey along the rollercoaster towards our big goals, dreams and our whys. 

Most people in property are aware of the importance of having a clearly defined WHY – that deep rooted and compelling reason why you want what you want. Well, once we’ve figured out the why its crucial to stay connected to it and keep it alive by experiencing it in smaller versions throughout and over the years until we are really living the full why. 

I remember hearing the same sentiment being delivered by entrepreneur and speaker Ed Mylett in one of his videos, he said;

“Touch Your Dreams! The more you go and touch and experience your dreams, the more FAMILIAR you become with them! The more familiar you are with them the more your mind starts to gravitate towards them.”  He went on to say that the more you do that, the more you start to ‘believe you belong there’. 

So, here’s a short video from Chris and I about touching your dreams – we’ve just had the last week doing exactly that and it has been so incredible to experience a slice of our dreams, to reconnect to our why and to re-energise our enthusiasm for it all heading into the final sprint of the year. 

What will you do to ‘touch your dreams’ before the end of the year?

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